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Day in Pop Report for 05/28/2012

We have a short report today due to the holiday.

Lady Gaga Cancels Concert Due To Threats From Extremists
(popmusiclife) Lady Gaga has canceled her concert in Indonesia due to threats by religious extremists.

Billboard reports Islamist hard-liners threatened violence, claiming Gaga's sexy clothes and provocative dance moves would corrupt the youth.

Fans were devastated, despite the promoter's offer of full refunds. Some accused police - who refused to issue a permit over concerns about security - of buckling to the will of a small group. more on this story

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Justin Bieber Under Investigation For Battery Against Aggressive Photog
(TMZ) Justin Bieber is a suspect in a criminal battery ... law enforcement sources tell TMZ. Justin was in Calabasas, where he lives, just after noon Sunday at a mall called The Commons. A paparazzo attempted to take Justin's picture and, according to law enforcement, some sort of physical altercation erupted between Justin and the camera guy.

The photog called 911, and when cops arrived Justin and GF Selena Gomez had already split. The photog complained of pain to his upper torso, an ambulance was summoned and he was taken to a local hospital where he was examined and released a short time later.

The photog filed a police report naming Justin as the culprit. Cops are investigating the incident as a misdemeanor battery. Law enforcement tells us detectives want to speak with Justin, Selena and any other witnesses.

We placed a call to Justin's rep ... so far, no comment.

UPDATE: We're told several witnesses at the scene say after the altercation, a lawyer walked up to the photog and said he could get a lot of money out of the incident and advised the dude to call for an ambulance and file a police report.

Witnesses also say the photog had been blocking Justin's car as the singer was trying to leave. Justin got out of the car and asked the guy to move away but he wouldn't, and a scuffle ensued. more on this story

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J.Lo Unsure About Returning To American Idol
(TMZ) Jennifer Lopez isn't just saying publicly she isn't sure if she wants to return to "American Idol," she's saying it privately too ... because Steven Tyler asked her the same question and got the same answer.

We bumped into Tyler yesterday in Malibu, and in between posing for pics with a fan, he told our photog he got a big "I don't know" when he asked JLo about her plans for next season.

And if JLo should go, Tyler didn't offer up any specific suggestions for who should take her spot ... but he did have one general qualification he feels anyone who sits in the judge's chair should meet. more on this story

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American Idol Champ Phillip Phillips To Have Surgery Tomorrow
(TMZ) "American Idol" winner Phillip Phillips will get badly-needed surgery for a bum kidney on Tuesday, and he'll be recuperating in style in a swanky Malibu mansion ... TMZ has learned.

As we first reported, Phillip endured immense pain during the entire competition ... the result of a congenital kidney stone problem that has already resulted in 8 surgeries. He's been living with kidney stones that are so big they can't pass through his system.

Doctors inserted a stent into Phillip's kidney 7 weeks ago, as a temporary fix, but the pain borders on unbearable. In fact, when Phillip went home to Georgia a week ago, his doctor urged him to throw in the towel and get the surgery immediately, but Phillip said no.

So we've learned the surgery will take place Tuesday afternoon.

Phillip's recovery is expected to take weeks -- as many as 6. But here's the good news. A honcho from the "A.I." production company has offered his home to Phillip and his parents for the entire recovery. more on this story

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Singled Out: The Static Sea's Whatever You Want
Today Jimmy Francis from The Static Sea tells us about "Whatever You Want" from their brand new album "Third Parties," which is being released tomorrow. Here is the story:

Back in 2010 when Brandon Kleiber and I first started The Static Sea, it took about a month until I had a full song to contribute to the project. I played around with a few guitar riffs and random melodies that I would present, but most of them wound up being garbage. We had already written the three tracks of Brandon's that ended up being on EP, so I was starting to feel the pressure.

One afternoon while Brandon was out getting coffee, I started playing the song that eventually became "Whatever You Want." I showed what I had to Brandon and he immediately wrote the bridge. It was amazing. I finally finished a song for the first time in years. I was thrilled. I remember putting our new track on my iPod and I wrote the lyrics on the way back from Jersey City to my home in Montclair. I called it "Breathe Fire."

We got together a couple of days afterwards and Brandon set up the mic for me to do my first lead vocal track for our new band. I remember being mortified, having to sing in his apartment with him in the room and his roommates partying behind the door. After I finished the vocals, we hooked up his computer to his massive Peavy monitors and played it back. It was… the worst thing I had ever heard in my life. I think it's hard to tell whether or not your lyrics are terrible until you actually stand in front of a microphone and attempt to sing your words with conviction. I was so discouraged that I wound up canning the song.

We worked throughout the rest of 2010 and in March of 2011, we had released our debut EP exactly two days after the last guitar part was recorded. For this EP, I had written three songs that I was, and still am, truly proud. All was well. One week after the EP was out the door, we started the next one.

A few weeks into the writing/recording, we had already written the next six songs that we intended to put on our second EP. Brandon and I worked so well together and we moved so quickly and consistently. I felt like this band, or duo really, was starting to become something special. I was absolutely certain that I needed to do this all the time, everyday, and it was going to pay off. The more time we spent doing what we were doing, the more I wanted to give this project my full, uninterrupted attention. Unfortunately there was something else going on in my life that required exactly the same.

I had been going to a trade school for the past year and a half for a trade that is sort of a family business. A very successful business. It was a trade that I happened to be very good at and one that would have made me a lot of money. I entered this school to prove to myself and my family that I was capable of doing something responsible on my own and seeing it through to the very end. I've never finished anything of value in my life. I'm a high school dropout and previous college dropout. I broke up my first band that I fronted for five years the moment the going got a little tough. I quit my childhood baseball team that I loved and spent years on because I wanted to go swimming one day! I make very irrational decisions under pressure. Or swimming pools. It was a big deal that I was committing to something "for real this time" and while I was attending this school, it felt really good to not be looked at as a f**k-up for once.

Eventually, I had to come to grips with the fact that I wasn't going to finish. I physically and mentally could not bring myself to commute to the college any longer. I had two semesters left, but my head was permanently in the clouds. I was failing tests left and right, each failure equalling more wasted time and money. I felt like I had no choice, and quitting was a tough thing to do. The toughest. I knew that everyone close to me was going to be so disappointed. I was thousands of dollars in debt for something I couldn't finish. Again.

I became very depressed, but since I decided to take the starving artist route, that meant that it was time to encapsulate these emotions via song. Small victory, yay. I kept going back in my head to that awful "Breathe Fire" song and the opening line: "Whatever you want." I liked that. I was so distraught over how I might be perceived after letting everybody down. The fact that I may have seriously messed up my own life meant nothing to me. It still means nothing. But if I could have just done anything to make everyone else happy, I would have. But as I previously stated, my brain doesn't work like a rational human being's does. I ditched the rest of the lyrics except for that opening line and wrote new ones almost instantaneously.

I wrote the song under the guise of a failing relationship. This impossible situation of two people who want nothing more than to be together but human nature won't allow them. No matter how much they dwell on the beautiful times that were had between them, things have changed and they're not going to change back. They make a choice to hang on as long as they can but the stress and misery slowly destroy them. The opening and closing lines of the song are the same ("Whatever you want") but the context is different. In the beginning, it's a confident promise of endless happiness. That promise swiftly changes and in the end, "whatever you want" becomes a desperate and defeated sigh.

I presented the song to Brandon. He set up the microphone and I sang the words with conviction. I had some ideas for harmonies to fill up some empty space and we recorded them quickly. I remember after finishing my last vocal part, I had went down the hall and into Brandon's kitchen to get a glass of water. As I was walking back, he started playing the song through those massive Peavy speakers. The four-part harmonies were bouncing off the walls of the hallway and I heard myself singing back these terrible things I desperately wanted to get off my chest and it was the best thing ever to me. It helped ease my sadness and guilt and I saw again what I was making this sacrifice for. I felt like I had made the right choice. This band was the only thing that made me feel at peace, and to this day it still continues to do so. Granted, I haven't been invited to any pool parties as of late.

At the very moment that the song stopped playing, we decided that we were no longer going to make another EP. We now had seven songs. Soon we would have five more and "Third Parties," our perfectly flawed picture of our first steps into a truly scary place-- disguised as a full-length pop album-- would be born. Another small victory. Maybe even one of value.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen for yourself and learn more about the album right here!

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Another Hit and Run Accusation for Amanda Bynes
(TMZ) Amanda Bynes slammed into a car on the 101 Freeway in the San Fernando Valley on April 10 ... then fled the scene -- according to the victim who told cops the troubled actress was the culprit.

The culprit was driving a 5 series BMW at the time of the accident. The victim gave chase, got off the freeway, but the culprit blew a red light, never to be seen again. The victim was able to write down the license plate number. She only got a profile view of the woman driving the BMW.

CHP showed up, ran the plate and determined it was a rental vehicle. Officers told the victim the culprit was driving an Enterprise rental car. The victim then contacted Enterprise, who told her the person who had rented the car was Amanda Bynes.

The victim then showed up at a CHP substation and ID'd Amanda from a photo lineup. And get this ... the photo of Amanda was taken just 4 days earlier -- it was her mug shot from a DUI arrest. Amanda was driving in West Hollywood on April 6 when she clipped a cop car and was immediately popped for DUI.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... the case was referred to a filing officer at the L.A. City Attorney's Office who immediately rejected it because there was no independent witness fingering Amanda as the phantom driver.

Amanda was accused earlier this month of hitting a car in Hollywood and then fleeing the scene. She told cops she did not feel the impact and was not ticketed. more on this story

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X Factor At The Mercy of Britney?
(TMZ) The honchos at "X Factor" wanted Britney Spears so badly, they literally gave away the candy store by giving her the right to do things during production that are not "normal" ... and that includes taking breaks whenever her little heart desires.

As TMZ reported, Britney walked off the set last week during the first taping, leaving behind an empty judge's chair while 4 contestants did their thing.

Sources connected with the production tell us Britney was "overwhelmed" and needed to leave. People who were at the taping tell us she was upset by the audience reacting negatively to some of her comments.

Fact is ... "X Factor" wanted Britney so desperately, she was able to negotiate terms that are "unheard of" -- so say people with direct knowledge of her deal. As one source put it, "Simon is a smart and shrewd businessman who knew Britney could make his show and he was willing to give her just about anything to come on board -- and he did."

So Britney is allowed to walk off any time she wants. And that's just the beginning. Britney can do just about anything she wants ... and get $15 million in the process. more on this story

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Bow Wow Court No Show Costs Him
(TMZ) Bow Wow can officially check another lawsuit off his list of legal woes, but doing so is gonna cost him almost $4,000 ... TMZ has learned.

A Georgia court ruled this week in favor of the limo company that sued the rapper for not paying his bill. He's been ordered to pay $3,594.87 in a default judgement because he never showed up in court.

Sources close to Bow Wow tell TMZ he is currently in the process of cleaning up his financial troubles, which has included hiring a new team to handle his business affairs.

Bow Wow already paid off one lawsuit this year -- $90,000 to settle an unpaid tour bus bill -- and we're told his new team is already in the process of dealing with the three tax liens already against him for the years 2006, 2008 and 2010. more on this story

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George Jones Released From Hospital
Country music legend George Jones was released from a Nashville area hospital on Saturday and is resting at his home.

Jones was recently admitted to the hospital for a continued battle with an upper respiratory infection.

"I can't thank my friends and fans enough for all their support," says Jones. "Nancy has got me a new team of doctors to help me get through this, and it seems to be working. I look forward to seeing everyone soon."

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UFC Ring Girl Arianny Celeste Arrested
(TMZ) UFC ring girl Arianny Celeste was arrested early Saturday morning for allegations of domestic violence ... TMZ has learned.

According to the website for the Clark County Detention Center, the unbelievably hot Celeste was taken into custody at 7:30 AM and held on $3,000 bond. She is still behind bars.

If Celeste does not post bond within 48 hours, her fine self will go before a judge.

In addition to her work with UFC, Celeste has modeled for Maxim, FHM, Sports Illustrated and Playboy. more on this story

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Kylie Minogue Releases Timebomb Video
(popmusiclife) Kylie Minogue has released a new song and companion video for "Timebomb."

Currently celebrating her 25th year in the business, Kylie released the new package on Friday - but only after fans had successfully posted 25,000 tweets using the hashtag #KylieTimebomb.

Minogue has a few high-profile projects on the go in the coming weeks. On June 3, Kylie will perform at the all-star Queen's Diamond Jubilee Concert, alongside other acts like Paul McCartney, Elton John, Robbie Williams, Stevie Wonder, Tom Jones and Annie Lennox. Watch the video here.

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Coldplay Rethinking Costly Concert Wristbands
(Gibson) Just months after introducing electronic slashing wristbands that were distributed to fans at their gigs, Coldplay are having second thoughts, says the Daily Express.

Since the band started the plan they've given out some 40,000 of the wristbands that flash in time with the music.

Singer Chris Martin told The Sun: "Most of the money we're earning on the tour is put into the wristbands. We have to figure out how to keep it going without going broke because it's a crucial part of the concert." more on this story

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Retired NFL Star Jamal Lewis Files For Bankruptcy
(TMZ) Retired NFL star Jamal Lewis -- who helped the Baltimore Ravens win the Super Bowl in 2001 -- has filed for bankruptcy, claiming he's a financial train wreck ... and can't pay his eight-figure debt.

Jamal filed the Chapter 11 papers in Atlanta -- according to the docs, he's got $14,455,854 in assets but he's racked up a whopping $10,566,764.18 in debts.

Among his creditors -- Bank Of America has a lien for $947,876, Benz has one for 113k, Chrysler for 15k ... and the list goes on.

As for his assets -- Jamal's got five homes, a bunch of expensive cars, a $500,000 401(k), and 50% ownership in Fort Rapids Indoor Waterpark in Columbus, OH (worth about $6 mil).

According to the docs, Jamal is self-employed and earns approximately $35,000 a month.

By filing Chapter 11 Jamal ... can keep most of what he's got, while negotiating reduced and extended payments to creditors. more on this story

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DeBarge Facing Drug Charge
(TMZ) Mark DeBarge (from DeBarge) has been charged with drug possession after his arrest last month in a Hollywood hotel, TMZ has learned.

We broke the story ... Mark was busted along with a female companion in a Hollywood hotel room ... after the woman's parole officer stopped by for a routine check.

We're told the officer searched the room and observed narcotics -- unclear exactly what kind. Mark and his female companion were placed under arrest.

Now, Mark has been charged with felony drug possession in addition to misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia. Mark was also charged with possession of a fake ID.

A warrant has been issued for his arrest so he will now face the music ... the embarrassingly catchy music. more on this story

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Kris Allen Didn't Watch American Idol Finale
(TMZ) Stick a fork in "American Idol" ... it's done -- at least according to former champ Kris Allen, who strongly insinuated the show has run its course.

Kris -- who beat out Adam Lambert to win Season 8 -- was in LA last week when we asked if he caught the "Idol" finale Wednesday night. But like millions of former "Idol" fans across the country, Kris said he did NOT.

In fact, Kris said it might be time to pull the plug on "Idol" ... for good. Kris' latest album is only projected to sell a 15-20k in its first week ... and there are rumblings that he will be dropped from his record label. more on this story

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Jenna Jameson Arrested
(TMZ) Jenna Jameson was arrested for suspicion of DUI early Friday morning ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ the porn queen was involved in a single car accident at around 1:30 AM after her car struck a pole.

According to our sources, Jameson showed signs of possibly being under the influence of alcohol and was given a field sobriety test . We're told she was subsequently arrested for misdemeanor suspicion of DUI. more on this story

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Sean Kingston Accused of Trashing Mansion
(TMZ) Sean Kingston is the tenant from hell -- at least according to a Miami landlord, who claims the singer rented her giant $25,000-a-month mansion last year, trashed the place, and skipped out on a $70,000 bill.

As we reported, Sean fled Miami last fall because of nightmares stemming from his horrific jet ski crash months prior -- Sean couldn't stand the constant sound of the ocean, so he moved to Hollywood.

But according to a new lawsuit, filed in Miami, Sean and his mother -- who was also living in the house -- left behind a trail of destruction ... broken landscaping lights, sprinkler heads, holes in the wall, and broken railing around the waterfront dock.

The landlord claims Sean and his mother caused $21,397 in damages to the property -- but that's just the tip of the iceberg ... because when they suddenly left the house in October, they allegedly breached the rental agreement by taking off before the lease was up.

Per the rental agreement, the landlord claims Sean owes two months rent -- $50,000 to be exact -- for ditching early ... on top of the property damages ... PLUS $2,400 in past due rent.

All told, the landlord wants $73,816.85. Calls to Kingston's reps were not returned. more on this story

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Teen Mom Thinks Prison Will Save Her Life
(TMZ) "Teen Mom" star Amber Portwood thinks prison is the only way to save her life from a brutal drug addiction, TMZ has learned.

Sources tell us, immediately following the reality TV star's incarceration, her last drug test came back positive for the opiate-based drug Suboxone ... a highly addictive drug similar to Morphine.

Law enforcement sources tell us, Portwood admitted she can't control herself around the drug -- even buying it off the street during her court-ordered drug program.

We're told Amber believes prison is the only way to get clean because it will force her to kick the addiction cold turkey.

Portwood is currently locked up and a judge will decide her sentence in the next couple of weeks. more on this story

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Former Bond Girl Hospitalized
(TMZ) Former Bond girl Lana Wood -- who played Plenty O'Toole in the 1971 classic "Diamonds Are Forever" -- nearly died Tuesday night after going into anaphylactic shock ... and TMZ has obtained a picture of the desperate rescue effort.

Sources close to Lana -- the younger sister of Hollywood legend Natalie Wood -- tell TMZ, the actress was cooking dinner at her home in Fillmore, CA when she started having a coughing attack.

We're told she assumed it was just a bad cold -- but then the sneezing started, and her face and tongue swelled up ... so she went to urgent care to get it checked out.

We're told the local urgent care didn't have the resources to treat Lana -- so they called her an ambulance to take her to a nearby hospital.

The above picture was snapped as they were loading Lana into the ambulance.

By the time Lana got to the hospital, her entire face was swollen like a balloon -- forcing her eyelids closed and shutting her mouth. Lana also couldn't speak.

She was taken home hours later when the swelling subsided. Sources tell us, doctors believe the allergic reaction was triggered by an ingredient in Frosted Mini-Wheats. more on this story

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Camille Grammer Fighting Back Over Leaked Rant Recording
(TMZ) Camille Grammer claims she has something in common with Mel Gibson ... one of her rants was secretly recorded by a sworn enemy and unleashed to the public.

You may have heard the rant ... in which the former "Real Housewives" star threatens to "desecrate" her boyfriend's baby mama if she leaks private material to the media.

Now, Camille has filed a lawsuit over the leaked recording ... claiming baby mama Lisa Chynoweth PROVOKED her into losing her temper during a January phone conversation -- secretly recording the whole thing.

The conversation was played during a recent deposition in a child custody case involving Chynoweth and Camille's BF, Dimitri Charalambopoulos (say that five times fast). The depo was posted to YouTube (skip to 1:56 for the good stuff).

Camille is suing Lisa for illegally recording a phone call. more on this story

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