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Pearl Jam Frontman Sued For Copyright Infringement
Most obscure artists would be flattered if a multi-platinum rock star thought highly enough of one of their songs that they recorded a cover version. That wasn't the case for Pearl Jam frontman Eddie Veddar. He got sued for a cover song because he changed the lyrics.

Ace Show Biz reports: The Pearl Jam star recorded Gordon Peterson's tune "Hard Sun" in 2007 for Sean Penn's film "Into the Wild", but Peterson, who originally wrote the track in 1987, wasn't happy when he heard the finished version - and realized the rock icon had altered the lyrics.

Peterson is now suing Vedder and has filed papers in New York's Manhattan federal court. The suit states, "Vedder altered certain key lyrics of 'Hard Sun'... eroding the integrity of the composition." - more on this story

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Aerosmith's Hamilton Talks Band's Future, Recent Past
Aerosmith Bassist Tom Hamilton posted a long update for fans touching on the situation with Steven Tyler, detailing the last few months with the band, here is part of the update followed by a link for the rest: "I know, I know! 'What's goin' on with the band?' 'What the hell are you guys up to?' Well it all boils down to Steven wanting to go solo for a while and the other four of us wanting to continue. I'm not getting into what and what not's been in the press lately. I'd like a day off from all that if you don't FREAKIN' mind.

Some weeks ago we finished four shows that were still left on the plate for this year. As we're getting close to the end of the year I found myself replaying my mental videos of those gigs.

The first one was in San Francisco. It was basically a huge party put on by one of our most massive companies. They may be a corporate monolith but when they decide to reward their employees with a party the lid is basically off the budget. They rented an island off of San Francisco and turned it into soiree central. The place was set up like a permanent venue even though it was only going to be used for this one night. What the hell? We have a history of wretched excess. Why not play for a big corporation enjoying theirs? Considering that it was a party for their employees I guess it's kind of cool.
- more on this story

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Avenged Sevenfold Death Unclear- Guns N' Roses and Jane's Addiction Gig- Gigs of Free Nine Inch Nails- Ramones Misfits Collaboration- Zakk Wylde Recording and more
An autopsy is inconclusive as to the cause of death for Avenged Sevenfold drummer Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan. Orange County sheriff's spokesman Jim Amormino said Tuesday that the coroner's office ordered toxicology, microscopic and laboratory tests to help determine why Sullivan died. It's expected to take several weeks to get the results of the tests. more

According to Isabel Guerra from, Guns N' Roses and Jane's Addiction will perform in Lima on March 25, 2010, in the Monumental Stadium Esplanade, according to Peruvian businessman Alberto Menacho. more

Trent Reznor gave over 400 gigabytes of uncut HD Nine Inch Nails live footage to the band's fans. The fans gave the world an impressive live compilation, now available for free, in every format from Blu-Ray and DVD to iPod and YouTube more

Punk icons Marky Ramone and former Misfit Michale Graves have teamed up to record a new tune for 2010. The former Ramones and Misfits stars will release When We Were Angels as an iTunes download next month. more

Classic Rock says that Black Label Society are planning to record a new album early in the new year. The band aim to mix this as yet untitled record in April, with a tentative release planned for June.

John Mellencamp and Stephen King have been working together on a horror musical called Ghost Brothers Of Darkland Country, which will debut in Atlanta in September. more

Influential New York City hardcore band Killing Time will release a new album titled "Three Steps Back" on February 9th via Dead City Records (Coretex Records in Europe). more

Switchfoot will be Live on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson on Monday, January 4th, 2010.

Nights Like These is on an indefinite hiatus. Since splitting with Victory Records last spring the band has essentially been inactive, and that doesn't appear to be changing anytime soon more

Matador Records has announced that Mission of Burma will visit Philadelphia PA, Richmond VA and Washington DC in February. The announcement follows their earlier confirmation of two-night stints in Boston and New York City this January. All of the dates

BrooklynVegan recently conducted an extensive interview with J. Robbins. In it, Robbins opines about several topics, including how the recent Jawbox reunion came about and whether or not the band has any plans to expand said reunion more.

BBC had this: Snow Patrol song Chasing Cars was the most widely played song of the decade [in the UK], according to music licensing body PPL. The 2006 track originally reached number six in the UK singles chart, but chalked up 94 weeks in the top 75 through download sales. more

Vocalist Chuck Billy of Testament will guest on the "Heavy Metal Mayhem" radio show with Mike "The Big Cheese". The interview will take place during the Sunday, January 3 broadcast from 6 to 8 p.m. EST. more

Cobra Starship's remix EP, I'm a Hot Mess, Help Me, will be released digitally January 12th according to Absolute Punk

Kings of Leon megahit "Use Somebody" was written by Caleb Followill as an apology to his bandmates after a drunken fight - and now the group hates the song. more

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Top 9 Rumors of 09
We're continuing our look back at some of the top stories of 2009. Today we look at the Top 9 rock rumors that made the news this year. Enjoy!
Metallica and Guns N' Roses Tour? (Top 9 Rumors of 09 - No 1)
And topping our list of rumors from 2009 is this gem that was created by some tabloids about Guns N' Roses and Metallica teaming up for tour. Enjoy: While there are quotes from members of Metallica in articles floating around music sites today where they seem enthusiastic about doing a coheadlining tour with Guns N' Roses, the quotes are not sourced, which is typical of unreliable UK tabloids. There is a good reason they didn't provide the source of the quotes because they were taken out of context and misquoted; which again, is typical of the UK tabloid press. The actual quotes came from a press conference on Fuse about Metallica being inducted into the Crock and Lull Hall of Lame (a.k.a. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame).

Here is an example of how the UK music tabs are spinning the story: "drummer Lars Ulrich admits he would jump at the chance to tour alongside Axl Rose's legendary group. He says, 'We're road dogs. We love to tour. So we'd never say no. We've learned never to say no to anything, and all four of us love Chinese Democracy.'"

The actual exchange went like this (full video below): A reporter asks "on the topic of drama and near tragedy, would you guys ever consider touring with Guns N' Roses again now that they're back out?"

(Laughter from Metallica) Lars is seen shaking his head and mouthing the word "no" but then becomes diplomatic and says, "Like James was saying earlier, we're rode dogs we love to tour, so if that opportunity ever came in the right situation… of course."

James adds, "We've learned never to say never, cause you don't know what hurtle, or what great thing is gonna be handed to you." - more including the video of the press conference

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Jimmy Page, Aerosmith, Eric Clapton Supergroup Project? (Top 9 Rumors of 09 - No 2)
Coming in at no. 2 was another story based on taking some quotes wholly out of context. This is a two parter with the original report followed by the "clarification": Led Zeppelin site Lemon Squeezings has a speculative article connecting members of Aerosmith with Eric Clapton and Jimmy Page in a new supergroup project. Read and decide for yourself: While nobody knows what's happening with Aerosmith, guitarists Joe Perry and Brad Whitford have apparently been keeping busy, and in good company too.

Eric Clapton and Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin ) have joined them in recording with engineer Kevin Shirley, the man behind the sound of Led Zeppelin's 21st century releases, How the West Was Won, DVD and the reissue of the soundtrack to The Song Remains The Same.
Shirley says he has been recording these guitarists and "many others." He hints toward some "high profile projects" about which he's been sworn to secrecy.

Writing from Malibu on his online diary today, Shirley spoke of a "supergroup" project. He said that come January he would be "producing what has the promise to be one of the most exciting 'supergroups' to come around in a long time" He adds, "But theory is just that until we see how the dynamics play out in the studio between these superb musicians. And of course the songs will make the real difference."

The next day the story changed, here is the follow up: The speculation about a Jimmy Page, Aerosmith, Eric Clapton Supergroup project has sunk like a lead balloon. We have a follow up from a report from yesterday where we ran part of speculative report from Led Zeppelin site Lemon Squeezings which connected members of Aerosmith with Eric Clapton and Jimmy Page in a new supergroup project.

They reported that Eric Clapton and Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin ) have joined Aerosmith's guitarists Joe Perry and Brad Whitford in recording with engineer Kevin Shirley and selectively quoted Shirley. They posted a follow up article on Tuesday, "clarifying" the original report. Shirley wrote to Lemon Squeezings/ and said "all I said was I am recording a legend (and I have done plenty in the past), and this guy is seriously thrilling! The Page/Zep thing is not what it is. There is a supergroup -- there is a classic rock remix, but the speculation is all misguided."

So there you have it. This isn't a case like when broke the big news about the existence of Them Crooked Vultures. But the good news is that Shirley is working on a supergroup project, we'll just have to wait and see who ends up being involved in that one. Given who he has worked with in the past, it could be interesting. -

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Velvet Revolver May Hire American Idol's Adam Lambert As New Singer (Top 9 Rumors of 09 - No 3)
One of the biggest targets for rumors now that Axl finally put out Chinese Democracy is to ponder if Velvet Revolver had found a replacement for Scott Weiland. Here are a few reports touching on the subject with the conclusion that the band may hire Adam Lambert to front the group.

In March MusicRadar reported: Word spread like wildfire across the Internet today that Velvet Revolver had picked Gord Prior, a singer with a Canadian-based band called Blu Bones, as their new lead singer. Not so, says a spokesperson for Sanctuary Artist Management, which reps Velvet Revolver. "Gord Prior isn't the new guy. In fact, no decision has been made as to who the singer is." more

In April MusicRadar reported: "We need a singer soon," Velvet Revolver drummer Matt Sorum told MusicRadar in an exclusive interview. "We need the right guy in six months. We can't wait another year. Otherwise, it might not matter." Sorum told MusicRadar that the band was recently close to deciding on a singer, whose identity he declined to reveal ("I want to protect him"), but after a few recording sessions, both he and various band members ultimately decided it wasn't the right fit. more

Velvet Revolver found their man. A singer who they felt was the perfect choice to replace Scott Weiland. But the singer turned down the job... twice! Classic Rock magazine broke the story: Country rock star Shooter Jennings has confirmed that he has been offered the job of singer with Velvet Revolver – but has turned the band down TWICE! Shooter, the son of country legend Waylon Jennings, was one of the men Classic Rock tipped as potential VR singers back in April last year.

At that time Duff McKagan admitted that Jennings could make a good replacement: "Shooter's great, actually," he told CR's Scott Rowley. "That's a good idea. He's does a southern rock thing, but his old band was straight up kinda rock. He's a talented guy man, he's pretty awesome. He would be good." In a new interview with Classic Rock, Jennings confirms that he was asked – but turned the band down. And not just once

And finally there is this report which is pretty comical in hindsight: MusicRadar speculated that Velvet Revolver may find their new frontman in the form of an American Idol contestant. Slash appeared on the show to coach contestants for "rock week" and one singer apparently stood out.

Music Radar reports: all performed admirably but nobody seemed to truly hit it out of the ballpark until Adam Lambert, who had been previously coached by Slash to avoid ad-libbing in the upper register, came on and lit into an I'm-going-for-it version of the Led Zeppelin classic Whole Lotta Love. Wonder if Slash asked Lambert to come on down for a Velvet Revolver audition? If he didn't, perhaps Jimmy Page might want to give him a ring. Stranger things have happened.
- more on this story

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Was Jimi Hendrix Murdered? (Top 9 Rumors of 09 - No 4)
Next up on our countdown, we have a couple of reports which speculate that Jimi Hendrix was murdered. The UK's Daily Mail is reporting that rock legend Jimi Hendrix was murdered by his manager as part of an insurance scam, a new book by one of former aides claims.

Hendrix choked to death on his own vomit when he was 27 – but the exact circumstances of his death have always been a mystery.

Now James 'Tappy' Wright, one of the rock star's roadies, claims that Hendrix's manager, Michael Jeffery, confessed to killing him. Jeffery is said to have made a drunken confession a year after the star's death in September 1970 more

BW&BK had this follow up report: The doctor who attempted to revive Jimi Hendrix on the night that the guitarist died believes that it is "plausible" that he was murdered.

John Bannister said that medical evidence was consistent with claims in a book that Hendrix was killed on the orders of his manager, Mike Jeffery.
James "Tappy" Wright, a former road manager who worked for Jeffery, writes in his new memoir, Rock Roadie, that in the early hours of September 18, 1970, a gang hired by Jeffery broke into the London hotel room where Hendrix was staying with his girlfriend, Monika Dannemann, and forced sleeping pills and wine down his throat until he drowned.
- more on this story

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• Battleaxe - Power From the Universe Reissue

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• The Compulsions - Dirty Fun

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• On The Record: The Wild Beyond

• RockPile: Minutian- Odin's Court- THEO

• Michael Ubaldini Interview

• Root 66: Cameron Mitchell- Stacy Jones- Greg Shirley

. .
Today's Rock News
. Lamb Of God's Mark Morton Streams Chester Bennington Collaboration

Rush Members To Make Special Appearance

Unreleased David Bowie Tracks In New Collection

Def Leppard Announce Summer Tour Dates

Avenged Sevenfold's M Shadows Guests On John Dolmayan Album

Aerosmith To Rock Steven Tyler's Grammy Awards Viewing Party

Tedeschi Trucks Band Streaming New Song 'Hard Case'

Queen Bohemian Rhapsody Biopic Nominated For Seven BAFTA Awards

Behemoth Release Ecclesia Diabolica Catholica Video

Blues Music Awards Nominees Announced

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