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Day in Rock Report for 08/19/2013

Fire Forces Ratt and Dokken Airplane To Make Emergency Landing
(Classic Rock) Members of Ratt and Dokken endured tense moments in the air on Saturday as the cockpit of their private jet burst into flames and they were forced to make an emergency landing.

The plane, carrying 13 passengers, had just taken off from Moline, Illinois, taking the musicians to the next stop of their current package tour which also includes Sebastian Bach, Lita Ford and Warrant.

Crew were able to control the fire and returned to Moline Airport wearing oxygen masks, pulling an emergency landing with ground support vehicles in attendance. No one was injured in the episode. more on this story

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Surviving Members of The Clash To Reunite
(hennemusic) The three surviving members of The Clash's classic lineup are set to reunite for an exclusive BBC Radio 6 Music show next month as they promote the September 9th release of three projects: "The Clash Hits Back", "Sound System" and "The Clash 5-Studio Album Set".

Guitarist Mick Jones, bassist Paul Simonon and drummer Topper Headon will be interviewed by Cerys Matthews in front of an intimate audience of fans at the BBC's Maida Vale Studios in west London.

The 2-CD best-of album, "The Clash Hits Back", replicates the running order of the group's July 19, 1982 setlist at the Brixton Fair Deal (now the Academy) with studio versions of the songs … plus 8 additional tracks. more on this story

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Foo Fighters Have Written Their New Album
(Classic Rock) Dave Grohl has confirmed the next Foo Fighters album will appear next year. The follow-up to 2011′s Wasting Light has now been written, although there's much more work to be done.

"We've been in our studio writing, and in the past few weeks we've written album," Grohl tells XFM. "It's still a little ways off – it's not ready to happen right now. But I think next year is going to be a really big year for the Foo Fighters, without question."

He hasn't offered any details but hints: "We're going to make this album in a way that no one's ever done before. We're pretty excited about it." See what guitarist Chris Shifflett had to say here.

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God Forbid Break Up
Members from the band God Forbid have posted online statements announcing that the group has broken up after their guitarist Doc Coyle posted a lengthy message to fans announcing his departure from the group.

Coyle broke the news to fans on Friday (see his full statement below) and a short time later both frontman Byron Davis and drummer Corey Pierce posted their own messages.

Davis told fans, "It's Friday and my boy is home doing well and yes it's true, GF is down. We are a family for the most part some moveon while others keep it real like before the band began.

"I should feel sad but I dont right now because a new chapter has begun. I'll be seeing you all around somewhere. Believe that. Uncle Corey J needs some drums I have a guitar too for him. Blabbering."

Pierce followed with this brief statement, "No more suspense... God Forbid is over. Sorry."

Here is Coyle's full statement: "I am sorry to say that I am indeed leaving God Forbid. I started playing with these guys since I was 16 years old. Now I'm 32. You do the math. To say this is difficult and a big move for me would be an understatement. It has been very emotional and very sad for me to actually follow through with this, but I feel in my heart and head that it is the right thing to do.

"Let's first remove the elephant from the room, and explain why I am leaving. I don't want to leave the band, but there are elements of disorganization and unprofessionalism within the group that have made it impossible to be an effectively active band. I don't feel like I'm being treated in a way that meets my standards, so I have to remove myself from the equation. I'm not going into great detail because I don't want to throw anyone under the bus. I still love all the guys in God Forbid. They will always be my family even if there isn't a working band. But just because you love your family doesn't mean you can work with them in a professional sense.

"Anyone who has read any of my blogs has probably heard me talk about trying to cope with confronting adulthood after living a musician's life for my entire youth. I probably never, ever even entertained the idea of quitting God Forbid until my brother left in the spring of 2009. I always thought we were destined to 'make it'. I thought we were special. Nothing existed outside of the band. Nothing else mattered. Girlfriends, financial security, real world stuff would always take a back seat to the band. Even my girlfriends pretty much knew that.

"When Dallas quit, I became emboldened to carry on in spite of him. I wanted to prove that we didn't need him. And carry on we did as God Forbid had 3 of the biggest tours we ever had all booked in a row with Kris Norris filling in on a massive tour with Lamb of God, and than Matt Wicklund finally coming in to finish a festival run in Europe and than Mayhem Fest in the states. I never really dealt with Dallas leaving on an emotional level, because we were steadily on the road. I was so angry with him. He was pretty much by my side for my entire life either on stage, binge watching movies, drawing comics, playing basketball, playing guitar together or living in the bedroom next to mine in the same house. Than just like that…..he was gone.

"Things began to unravel on the Mayhem Fest 2009. The band was financially and logistically unprepared for the tour with very little label support because we were at the end of our contract with Century Media despite the efforts of A&R at the time, the eager and helpful Ray Harkins. We ended up splitting with our manager at the beginning of the tour because of the sh*tstorm of unpreparedness. Plus I could just tell, we weren't connecting with fans the same way we had, say at Ozzfest 5 years prior. The tour featured a lot of death metal, Behemoth, Job For a Cowboy, Black Dahlia Murder. There just seemed to be a turning of the tide, and as an artist you have to be aware of how the world is perceiving you. For some reason, whatever we were doing was not breaking through to the populous the same way.

"Just to put a cherry on top, my girlfriend broke up with me literally on the drive home from the tour due to finding out about some f**kery on my behalf. It didn't really hit me til I walked in my door at home, but I realized my brother was gone, my girl was gone, and my band career as a full time thing was probably over. I fell into a deep depression because I didn't have a leg to stand on and probably didn't get back on track for another 7-8 months. For the first time in my adult life though, I didn't really care about God Forbid. At that point, the band seemed to be the cause of my problems.

"But playing with the guys, and writing with Matt Wicklund in particular, really inspired me and helped me get out of my funk. I continued with the Equilibrium album out of loyalty to the guys, and I believe in finishing things I start, and that included doing some touring as well. All in all, I don't regret it because I think it's a fantastic album, if not our best album.

"Unfortunately, touring with the band last year proved to be unsustainable from a financial survival standpoint. I was homeless, in debt and needed to figure something out, because this lifestyle I was living was not working. "The last few years are the first time in my life I've really thought about what I wanted to do outside of God Forbid.

"The answer is A LOT. I have so many ideas and prospective projects on the docket, that I'm sure many of them will never see the light of the day. My priorities right now are having the time and freedom to be creative and productive. While still trying to keep the lights on of course. This is both exciting and scary. I'm not sure if I will end up with a regular career that puts me in an office 5 days a week or end up in another band touring full time again. I am just taking things as they come. I'm sure many of you have seen the reports regarding my new rock band and cover band, so I'm obviously continuing to play as much as possible. It's still my favorite thing to do in the world, so I will not be stopping playing or performing anytime soon. Having this time recently to figure out what I want has made me realize that being a musician is who I am. Even if I end up doing other things, I will always be a rock n roller at heart.

"I am keeping the door open to all forthcoming opportunities and I am not closing the door on God Forbid forever, but now is not the time."

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Aerosmith Cancel Concerts
Aerosmith announced on Sunday that they have been forced to cancel two music festival appearances this week because the local promoter for the shows was "unable to meet contractual obligations."

The band was scheduled to perform at festivals in China this week as part of their Global Warming Tour but have pulled out the shows in Shanghai on August 21st and Taipei on August 24th.

The group's representative sent over these comments from the band: "We are extremely upset to have disappointed our dedicated fans," says Steven Tyler. "They have welcomed us into their country and due to uncontrollable circumstances we will not be able to perform. We were so excited to share our music with them and look forward to one day returning and giving them the show they deserve."

"It's always been a dream of ours to play in Shanghai and Taipei, and meet our fans there," Tom Hamilton says. "We were really looking forward to visiting Shanghai and Taipei and playing for our fans there and are very disappointed that these two shows have been cancelled."

"We're disappointed as we wanted to play for our fans," said Joe Perry. "We've looked forward to this for a lifetime."

"I'm disappointed we weren't able to play for our fans in China; however, the circumstances were beyond our control," says Joey Kramer. "I sincerely hope Aerosmith will get another opportunity to come back to Shanghai and Taiwan to play for our many fans there."

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The Replacements Confirm Reunion Lineup
(Classic Rock) The Replacements have confirmed their lineup for a handful of reunion shows 22 years after they last performed. Original members Paul Westerberg and Tommy Stinson will be joined by drummer Josh Freese and bassist David Minehan.

Freese, who's previously played with Devo, Weezer and Nine Inch Nails, was also a member of Guns n'Roses alongside Stinson, and toured as part of Westerberg's solo band in the 1990s alongside Minehan.

The band were reactivated after former guitarist Slim Dunlap suffered a debilitating stroke last year. Westerberg and Stinson recorded a covers EP, Songs For Slim, to help with his medical bills. They recorded again in May this year, at which point they also finally accepted an invitation to play live. more on this story

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Dark Angel Address Reunion Rumors
Dark Angel singer Don Doty and drummer Gene Hoglan have addressed rumors that the band was planning to reunite and confirmed that they are currently discussing the possibility.

Hoglan says, "Howdy everybody. Now that I'm off the road for a few minutes, I'd like to address these Dark Angel rumors that are flying around. Yes, we have been talking about doing something next year, and although it looks like possibly some festivals could be in the works, right now it's just speculation. Don Doty and myself have been in contact for the first time in many many years, and it's been great to re-connect with my old friend.

"Fortunately, I've remained great buddies with all the DFA guys after all these years, and we do try to stay in contact with each other and see each other when we can, especially since we are all spread out over the Western US.

"We are indeed discussing the possibility of a reunion, and yes, the DFA guys are well aware of all of my other commitments, such as Testament, Dethklok and the like. So again, we are moving forward s-l-o-w-l-y, with hopes to getting Dark Angel's wings off the ground for festival season in 2014."

Doty had this to say, "Members of Dark Angel are currently sitting down for talks for a reunion. This will be for the year 2014. All are excited. I was talking on a radio show recently and had said that all members would be attending, this statement may have been misunderstood.

"Myself, Gene, Mike, Eric and Jim are talking and when talks are complete a statement will be given. We will know more in the months to come. We will let you know as it unravels."

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Unreleased Mars Volta Songs With David Guetta Leaked Online
( Originally borne from the ashes of Texas post-hardcore heroes At the Drive-In, prog-rock outfit The Mars Volta shocked the music world when singer Cedric Bixler-Zavala unexpectedly announced the band's break-up via Twitter in January of this year.

While The Mars Volta has splintered into two new bands — Bosnian Rainbows and Zavalaz, the group's legions of diehard fans are celebrating the release of 15 previously unheard tracks, which according to Spin were recorded with a most unlikely ally: EDM superstar David Guetta.

The tracks appeared on the Comatorium, a fan site for The Mars Volta. They were posted by site member ShaREEB, who says he received the songs from a random user who asked that he share them online.

While excited fans quickly began downloading and analyzing the trove of unearthed TMV tunes, Bixler-Zavala again took to Twitter to allegedly explain the music's surprising origins. Read that and more including the download link.

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Jeff Beck Appears On New Album From Queen's Roger Taylor
(Gibson) Queen drummer Roger Taylor has confirmed that his new solo album, Fun on Earth, will be released in October. Included on the disc is a re-make of "Say It's Not True," which was the first Queen studio single to feature singer Paul Rodgers.

The song, which was written by Taylor, was originally released in 2007 to benefit Nelson Mandela's AIDS foundation. The new recording features Jeff Beck on guitar.

In a recent interview with Classic Rock, Taylor said: "My first solo effort (in 1981) was called Fun in Space. I've called this one Fun on Earth. I've come down to earth a bit, but there's still a bit of fun in there--some smiley tracks.

"It's been written over a five year period, so it's very eclectic. Some gentle stuff, some rockier stuff, and some fairly political stuff." more on this story

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Riot Dedicating New Album To Mark Reale
(Classic Rock) Riot have confirmed they're gearing up to release their first album since the death of founding guitarist Mark Reale. But they may change their name in recognition of the fact that he was the last original member of the band.

Reale passed away in 2012, aged 56, after a lifelong battle with Crohn's Disease. He was rushed to hospital in January after suffering a brain haemorrhage, and died two weeks later without regaining consciousness.

The band say in a brief statement: "Thank you fans, for your support. Thank you, Mark. This is for you, and dedicated to you. Shine on!" more on this story

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Guns N' Roses and New York Dolls Sideband Compulsions Finish Album
(Classic Rock) Members of Guns N' Roses and the New York Dolls are gearing up to release their third album as The Compulsions. And frontman Rob Carlyle says their next collection of songs will offer as many twists and turns as the band can think up.

The Compulsions include GnR guitarist Richard Fortus and drummer Frank Ferrer, alongside former New York Dolls and current Michael Monroe bassist Sami Yaffa. They've been referred to as the "most criminally underrated band in America."

Carlyle reports: "Like our other records, there'll be plenty of dirty rock'n'roll on this new one, plus a few musical twists and turns to keep you guessing." more on this story

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Massive Glam Rock Box Set Coming In Rocktober
(Classic Rock) A five-disc box set celebrating the history of glam rock aims to tell the entire story of the movement through 91 tracks. "Oh Yes We Can Love: The History Of Glam Rock" will be released by Universal on October 28 – but it contains much more than the usual suspects.

The label explains: "It isn't just Bowie, Bolan and Gary Glitter – it explores a complete myriad of mutations from early origins in Chuck Berry and Little Richard to the contemporary evolution in The Darkness and Foxy Shazam, and everything in between.

"When Marc Bolan appeared on Top of the Pops in 1971, daubed in glitter, it permitted a generation of teenyboppers to begin playing with the idea of androgyny. It marked the dawning of a new era, a rejection of what had gone before.

"Arguably reaching its zenith in 1973 when the likes of Slade, Sweet and Suzi Quatro all had a run of chart-topping singles, the death-knell was eventually sounded by the rise of punk. Yet throughout the 80s and 90s and into the new millennium, bands have often drawn liberally from the lexicon of glam." More including the tracklist

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Beatles Reimagined By Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros and More
Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros are joined by nine up-and-coming U.S. bands from various genres on the new album, Beatles Reimagined, which will be released on October 1st.

The album was put together to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the recording and release of Beatles tracks from 1963 and 64 and features modern music artists putting their own unique spin on classics like "From Me To You," "She Loves You" and "I Saw Her Standing There".

The album is billed as not being a traditional covers album, but artists from various genres reinterpreting the songs in various styles including alternative folk (Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros), acoustic folk (The Well Pennies), indie-rock (Mobley), indie-pop (Jhameel), new-rock (Badwolf), new-wave (Adventure Galley) and electro-dance-pop (Night Panther) through downtempo/lo fi (Feverbody), old school soul (Doom & Gloom) and retro-pop (Leftover Cuties).

It has also been announced that 100% of the net album sales of the profits from the album will be donated to the Rock n' Roll Camp for Girls Los Angeles. more on this story

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The Black Crowes Announce Final Tour Plans Before Hiatus
The Black Crowes announced that they will putting the band on hold next year so the members can focus on solo projects, but they also laid out a busy touring schedule for the rest of this year.

The band will be spending most of the rest of 2013 on the road and the tour plans include several special acoustic concerts at the Capitol Theatre in Port Chester, NY as well as a run of dates at Terminal 5 in New York City.

The group has released the tour dates and the following comments about their plans. Frontman Chris Robinson says, "This year in The Black Crowes has re-affirmed my belief in the power of music & the power of love. Can't wait to see what the future holds, long live rock & roll!"

Rich Robinson says, "The tour this year has been incredibly positive. From our own shows, and into the Tedeschi Trucks tour where we found our musical soul mates. Really great vibes all around. I'm looking forward to the fall for some great shows."

Steve Gorman adds, "The tour this year has been a great run, and we're looking forward to the fall dates in a lot of our favorite towns. The turnout and response from the fans has been overwhelming. After 23 years of doing all we could to kill this beast--and I mean we really threw everything we had at it but just couldn't get it to die--I think it's obvious that the best course of action is to enjoy it as much as we can." more on this story

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Jon Lord's Concerto Coming to Blu-Ray and Vinyl
Late Deep Purple legend Jon Lord's "Concerto For Group And Orchestra" is set to be released as Blu-ray/CD set and on double vinyl on September 3rd. The new release follows the standard CD release from September 2012.

Lord said of the project in May 2012, shortly before his death, "Over these last years since leaving Deep Purple, I've played it over 30 times with different orchestras and conductors all over the world, and, of course, in 2000 I did it well over 30 times with Purple on the Concerto tour, so I've been honing the piece live on stage, and I've had the opportunity to change things in the score that weren't sounding quite right. It is therefore a marvelous and exciting prospect to have the definitive recording of the definitive version of the score."

The recording of the project began in Liverpool in June of 2011 when Lord recorded the rhythm section by conductor Paul Mann with Guy Pratt (Pink Floyd, Madonna) and Brett Morgan (Jon Anderson, Sting) with the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra.

The recording then moved to the famed Abbey Road Studios in London where Iron Maiden frontman Bruce Dickinson, Steve Balsamo and Kasia Laska recorded vocals and Joe Bonamassa, Darin Vasilev and Steve Morse recorded guitar parts.

The double vinyl release will feature a special bonus of Jon Lord's last interview with the BBC from August 2012. The Blu-ray + CD release will include the full Concerto on CD and a 5.1 audio bonus piece on the Blu-ray, as well as a "Making Of" feature, in-depth interviews with Paul Mann and Marco de Goeij, and an exclusive new behind the scenes documentary "Up Close & Personal (Orchestral Recording Sessions)".

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Steve Hackett Releasing Genesis Revisited II DVD and CD Box Set
(Prog) Steve Hackett will release a live DVD-CD box set of his recent Genesis Revisited II show in London on October 21. His concert at the Hammersmith Apollo in May is to be launched in time to tie in with his upcoming UK tour dates, added due to popular demand.

The show included guest appearances by Nik Kershaw, Steve Rothery, John Wetton, Jakko Jakszyk and Amanda Lehmann. Hackett says: "Genesis Revisited: Live At Hammersmith is a feast for all the senses. I was blown away by the fantastic response to those May gigs.

"The autumn Genesis Revisited shows will include different material to the previous shows, along with the big favourites that bring the house down – see you all soon!" more on this story

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Producer Excited With New Paul McCartney Album
(Gibson) Paul McCartney's forthcoming solo album is looking exceptionally strong, according to producer Ethan Johns. Johns, one of several producers working with the former Beatle, spoke with Rolling Stone about a ballad titled "Hosannah."

"The first day we had was remarkable," he said. "[McCartney] walked in with this incredible song, we threw up a couple of microphones and within four hours we had this great track. I think we did an edit between the first two takes."

The veteran soundman continued: "It had an incredible feel – a really evocative piece of music. A very interesting lyric, and the performance was great. Then we started to experiment with it, and I put a bunch of psychedelic strangeness on it. You have fun. 'Oh, try this! Do that!' It's just very inspiring to be around."

Johns was especially impressed by McCartney's receptive view towards collaboration, adding: "The first thing he said was, 'What do you feel like doing?' I could have said, 'Let's spend the day making percussion loops with drum machines,' and he would have been, 'Great! Let's do that!' I don't think he ever said 'No,' which is kind of the mark of who he is as an artist, really. He's always up for trying something new." more on this story

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Bruce Springsteen And The E Street Band Going Down Under
Bruce Springsteen And The E Street Band will be heading "Down Under" early next year as the band has announced a tour of Australia and New Zealand.

The tour will be kicking off on February 7th with group's very first concert in Perth. The tour also features the group's first concert in Adelaide and their first concert in New Zealand in over a decade when they close out the tour on March 1st in Auckland.

The new shows follow the Wrecking Ball tour's visit to Australia earlier this year where the band performed shows that run for over three hours in Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne and Victoria's Hanging Rock.

Jon Landau explains why the band decided to go back, "Our shows in Australia earlier this year were among the very best and most satisfying of our whole 128 show tour.

"The crowds were tremendous, the fans as warm, friendly, and welcoming as we could ever hope for, and the quality of the performances, as virtually every reviewer commented, were spectacularly high.

"From the moment we finished the second show at Hanging Rock on March 31, we have been working on a plan to return next year. Among other things, we wanted to expand the number of places we play to include the Hunter Valley, Perth and Adelaide, with a trip to Auckland, as well. Those venues are in addition to the new dates in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne.

"In other words, this will be our most far reaching tour of Australasia ever - and Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band are planning to make it their finest." more on this story

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Def Leppard's Rick Allen To Debut New Fine Art Collection
(hennemusic) Def Leppard drummer Rick Allen will unveil his second fine art collection on September 19. Rick debuted his first set, "Electric Hand: Rhythm + Change", in Las Vegas during the band's spring residency.

Allen is translating rhythm into a visual art medium through an extensive process involving drumbeat, light, photography, and graphic design.

The result is a collection of abstract imagery built directly from Rick's rhythmic prowess. And as one of the pioneers in this new medium, Allen is holding true to a lifetime of breaking barriers and new ground. Check out the teaser video here.

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Singled Out: Fit for Rivals' Damage and Crash
Today Fit for Rivals singer Renee Phoenix tells us about two of their song which have garnered millions of views on YouTube. "Damage" and "Crash" comes from their debut album "Steady Damage" which is being reissued this week by Big 3 Records ahead of the release of their new studio album.

Crash: Crash came from a place of self-discovery. I was going through a time where I was trying to figure out who I was as not only a person, but a musician as well. When I scream, 'save me', I was more-so addressing myself in that I knew I had to pull myself together. I had just moved to a new city and it was my first time ever being away from my family and friends I grew up with. It was an interesting time in my life. Check it out here.

Damage: At this point in my life, I was trying to make sense of a lot of things. I really felt all of the negativity that had piled up in my personal life starting to creep up on me and affect the person I was. 'Steady damage' is in reference to this. Over time, things can wear you down and this was me giving myself some much needed therapy through song. The lyrics, 'I can't wait to see your face, when I make it without you' captured my overall message which is, the best revenge is living well because it's your life, so f**k everyone else. Check it out here.

Learn more about the album and band right here!

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Avenged Sevenfold Release Hail To The King Video
Avenged Sevenfold have released the new music video for the title track to their forthcoming album, "Hail To The King," which is set to be released on August 27th.

The band has previously announced the details for their North American tour in support of "Hail To The King" which is set to feature support from Deftones and Ghost (a.k.a. Ghost B.C.).

The fall tour is set to kick off on October 3rd in Chicago at the Allstate Arena and will conclude on October 26th in Las Vegas at the Mandalay Bay Events Center.

Avenged Sevenfold have also announced a special free Hail To The King record release show on August 26th at the Hollywood Palladium.

The new album was produced by Mike Elizondo, you can watch the new music video for the title track here. more on this story

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Bruce Forsyth Attends Iron Maiden Concert
Earlier this month Sir Bruce Forsyth attended the first of two of Iron Maiden's 'Maiden England' tour stops at the two O2 Arena in London and the band didn't know he was there but we learned from the opening act Voodoo Six's camp that they had a hand in it.

"We had Strictly Come Dancing in the house last night," Iron Maiden frontman Bruce Dickinson told the crowd at show the next night (August 4th).

"Bruce Forsyth was here, which is absolutely f**king unbelievable. I wish I'd have known, I would have said, 'Nice to see you, to see you nice!'"

Forsyth had this to say, "It's not every day I attend an Iron Maiden show. The main reason I was there was for my grandson, Luke (Purdie). He has been touring Europe with his band, Voodoo Six, supporting Iron Maiden over the summer, and it was great to see them at the penultimate show. I'll have to ask Iron Maiden for a free T-Shirt next time!"

In other news, Voodoo Six have released a new video for their single, 'Your Way', from the new album, 'Songs To Invade Countries To'. Watch it here.

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Metallica Release Live Sanitarium Video
(hennemusic) Metallica headlined the Summer Sonic festival in Tokyo, Japan on August 10th, and the band are sharing behind the scenes and performance video from the event.

The footage features the band at rehearsal the night before the first of two back-to-back festival shows, guitarist Kirk Hammett in the meet-and-greet, and a performance of "Welcome Home (Sanitarium)" from the concert.

The Japanese dates are part of the band's Asian tour, which included the group's first-ever dates in China. You can watch the Tokyo footage here.

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James LaBrie Releases New Song
(Prog) Dream Theater frontman James LaBrie has launched his track "I Got You," which comes from his recently released solo album "Impermanent Resonance."

LaBrie his third solo outing to general acclaim last month. His band features guitarist Marco Sfogil, keyboardist Matt Guillory, bassist Tay Riendeau and drummer-vocalist Peter Wildoer.

LaBrie recently admitted he'd aimed for a more pop-oriented style of songwriting for the project, saying: "They're pretty damn poppish. A song like Back On The Ground definitely deserves to be in amongst the songs being played on radio these days, and it stands up against any one of them.

"For me a song is either a song or it's not good, and what's important is what it conveys to me regardless of whether it's a metal song, a pop song or a jazz piece. There are songs on Impermanent Resonance that definitely have that pop sensibility to them." Check out the song here.

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AFI Release 17 Crimes Video
(TeamRock Radio) AFI have released a video for their track "17 Crimes." It's taken from "Burials," the follow-up to 2009's "Crash Love," due out on October 21st in the UK and 22nd in North America.

The track also appears in upcoming movie The Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones, based on Cassandra Clare's series of books about half-angel warriors battles against demons.

Frontman Davey Havok recently said of Burials: "This album is very layered and very rich and far, far less straightforward than what we did on the last record." more on this story

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Crashdiet Release Circus Video
(Classic Rock) Stockholm sleazehounds Crashdiet have released a music video for the song Circus. The song is taken from the band's latest full-length The Savage Playground, their second with mohican'd vocalist Simon Cruz.

Original lead singer Dave Lepard tragically committed suicide in January 2006 at age 25; he was briefly replaced by H. Olliver Twisted, who sang on Crashdiet's 2007 album The Unattractive Revolution. Twisted is now frontman of Reckless Love and known as Olli Herman.

Crashdiet recently issued a career SOS after they lost their manager, Michael Sunden, in a tragic accident – read more here. Watch the video to the end and you'll find it's dedicated to Sunden's memory here.

More on Crashdiet - Crashdiet Music - Crashdiet Tour Dates/Tickets - Crashdiet CDs, vinyl and rarities

. Rock Reads: Metallica: The Thrash Stash
The story of Metallica has been told many times before both in books and on film. Still, fans will find this book, another Metallica bio, a must-have. The bands history is here, from early 80s beginnings through to the poorly received 2011 Lulu collaboration with Lou Reed - Read the full Metallica: The Thrash Stash review

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. Lamb Of God's Mark Morton Streams Chester Bennington Collaboration

Rush Members To Make Special Appearance

Unreleased David Bowie Tracks In New Collection

Def Leppard Announce Summer Tour Dates

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Tedeschi Trucks Band Streaming New Song 'Hard Case'

Queen Bohemian Rhapsody Biopic Nominated For Seven BAFTA Awards

Behemoth Release Ecclesia Diabolica Catholica Video

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