Now from Darkness There Springs Light
By Keavin Wiggins
When you look at groundbreaking albums
that changed the direction of music forever Sgt Pepper probably comes to
mind at once. Perhaps the second most influential band of all time is Black
Sabbath and this month we look at the album that started it all. By all,
I mean not only Black Sabbath but a whole new form of music-- Heavy Metal
and its later offshoots.
This year marks the 35th anniversary of
the release of Black Sabbath and its impact can still be felt in music
today. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame be damned (f*** Jann Weiner). Sabbath
is one of the most significant artists of all time, right up there with
Elvis, the Beatles, and the Stones. Some may try to downplay the impact
of this album because it hasn't moved 20 gazillion units, but we can hear
its importance to this day in every single metal and metal influence band
that came after it.
By 1970 acid rock and the late 60s brand
of heavy blues were still the rage among younger rock fans. Cream, Blue
Cheer, and Vanilla Fudge laid the groundwork. Led Zeppelin became an international
sensation that the critics never understood but young fans immediately
latched on to. It was the power of the distorted Blues and majesty of the
lyrics that captured the imagination of a generation.
There is the famous scene in Spinal Tap
where Nigel Tufnel talks to Marty DiBergi about his special guitar amplifier
that "goes to 11". "When I need that little extra push over the cliff…"
That little push over the cliff was what Black Sabbath delivered. Zeppelin
II was released in October of 1969, five months later Black Sabbath
delivered this self-titled debut and provided that little extra push over
the cliff for many fans when they took the blues based heavy rock to a
new extreme. Metal was born.
The album wouldn't hit American record
stores until May of 1970, but it quietly built momentum as word of month
spread about this amazing new band. By August, Black Sabbath had entered
the American Top 40 album chart and remained there for over a year, going
on to sell a million copies. Quite an impressive accomplishment in 1970.
But why did this album have such an impact?
One listen tells the tale. The dark mesmerizing power of "Black Sabbath,"
"The Wizard," "Behind the Wall of Sleep," "N.I.B.," and "Warning" still
send shivers down the spine. It's hard to imagine what it must have been
like to fans in 1970 the first time they heard this dark symphony of distortion
and power and the genius combining of one song into the next. As Ozzy sang
"Now from Darkness there Springs Light," a strange metaphor when you consider
the dark nature of metal, but it fits. As Led Zeppelin was moving into
a new lighter direction with Led Zeppelin III (released Oct 70)
Black Sabbath was giving the power hungry fans something to bang their
heads to but also sink their minds into. The one thing about the early
Sabbath releases is that they are very visual. The power of the bass, drums
and guitars grab you but the lyrics capture the imagination, bringing on
visions in the mind's eye. Many bands have come after but very few have
held the same captivating power of early Black Sabbath.
If you are a fan of metal, you owe it to
yourself to own this album. Not only because, 35 years later it still stands
out, but because on this disc you will hear the keystone to all the metal
that came after. Sabbath were the anti-John the Baptist, shouting in the
wilderness about the coming messiah for rock n roll - heavy metal!
“Misty Morning… Clouds in the Sky
By DeadSun
Does Heavy Metal have a birthday?
It seems like a ridiculous question at
first blush. Cold logic dictates that, as an inanimate object, it very
well couldn’t. Besides, even if the question were entertained even semi-seriously,
it seems mighty pretentious to narrow the origin of a single genre of music
down to a single day.
… and it is with that that we must, for
a moment, step away from our instinct toward bland dismissal, and consider
that there is perhaps something to entertain after all--- a consideration
which has, in point of fact, always been a belief of mine:
If Heavy Metal were to have a birthday,
that day would be Friday, February 13th, 1970.
It was that day which saw the release of
Black Sabbath’s debut album… the aptly titled “Black Sabbath”… recorded
in just two days, for an estimated 600 English pounds (roughly $800, to
us Yanks in the U.S.).
Many will question the accuracy of such
a birthday--- though just as many, upon honest analysis, will readily concede
that there lies much distinction between Heavy Metal as it came to be,
Hard Rock, and Acid Rock.
I hope you’ve been doing your homework:
acts like Led Zeppelin, Hendrix, Cream, Iron Butterfly, Quicksilver Messenger
Service, the Vanilla Fudge, Deep Purple (1968’s “Shades of Deep Purple”),
The Electric Prunes, the Doors, Jefferson Airplane, etc.--- they are, in
hindsight, infinitely more kindred to Hard and Acid Rock than Heavy Metal
as we know it. To the human ear, Black Sabbath clearly draws a line of
demarcation. It establishes an unambiguous branching off. These were the
sounds which set the stage for what severe, apocalyptic, and sinister music
that Black Sabbath laid to tape in 1970. Of course “Black Sabbath”, in
its entirety, does not forsake its roots. On the contrary, it also provides
us with a bountiful supply of the straight-laced, backbone of hard, amplified
blues that characterized the sound of hard sixties Rock n’ Roll--- making
the album a valuable missing link of sorts, one that not only begins in
a new direction, but simultaneously reveals a musical linkage from Heavy
Metal, back to Hard/Acid Rock, and ultimately right back to the delta Blues
herself. Examine songs like "The Wizard," "Evil woman," and "Wicked World".
To anyone with even a remote interest in Rock history, it is vital to acquaint
yourself with this. That having been established: “Black Sabbath’s” sound,
style, compositional arraignment--- while certainly with influence, were
without precedent when taken as a whole.
My evidence?
First song--- “Black Sabbath”. The opening
track that carries the band name wastes no time in establishing the mood,
tone, and style by which Black Sabbath spearheaded a new era in Rock and
Roll. The tone is stark, and the structure--- fashioned as a form of dark
opus--- was beyond unconventional for its time. The opening music creeps
and crawls in a dirge-like procession, and anchors itself in something
which, from a standpoint of technique and melody, clearly spells out a
rough sketch for so much of the Metal that was to come--- the employment
of the diminished fifth tritone. This was--- musically speaking--- a “bon
voyage” to 1960’s flower power. Following the verse, we find a departure
from the straight-on blues foundations of Rock, and hear Iommi belt out
a passage of triplets in a G natural minor scale. We also find examples
of a highly unusual approach to song structure, virtually pioneered (in
Rock) by Black Sabbath, whereby the traditional, vocally centered chorus
form is completely left out, and the verse is instead followed by a musical
phrase. Two good examples of this are the title track, as well as the Heavy
Metal staple “N.I.B.”.
It may come across as technical gibberish,
but it was early experimentations like this--- pushing that first significant
domino over, and laying the track which demonstrated a distinct identity
apart from the loud, blues-fused psychedelia of the Rock that preceded
it, that makes Black Sabbath so important.
When defining a “Classic”--- what could
be a more important ingredient than seminality and innovation?
There is none higher.
I love this album from start to finish.
The musical ideas within this album are within the music of hundreds upon
hundreds of other bands. To Metal fans, this is part of the quintessence
of everything you love about Heavy Metal.
Whether you hear this or not does nothing
to diminish the fact that it is so.
On February 13th, I will celebrate the
35th birthday of Heavy Metal. What an album.
Album Info

Sabbath - Black Sabbath
Label: Warner
Release Date:
Friday, February 13, 1970
1. Black Sabbath (6:16)
2. The Wizard (4:18)
3. Wasp, Behind the Wall of Sleep, Basically,
N.I.B. (10:40)
4. Wicked World (4:42) / Evil Woman (3:22)
5. A Bit of Finger, Sleeping Village,
Warning (14:20) |
to samples and Purchase this CD online
