(Rock News Desk) Foo Fighters mainman Dave Grohl says the main reason the band's tour riders are full of specific catering instructions is to take care of their crew.They've become known for their comedy riders, written by tour manager Gus Brandt. The latest edition includes ten pages of line drawing for promoters to colour in, with the advice: "Pencils work best, remember to stay outside the lines; originality, creativity and pure sarcasm are what we're looking for; and no one likes a straight-A student."
A word-square, when solved, reveals the secret message "Don't forget the bacon," – a nod to Metallica's rider which asks for the meat to be available at every meal. "That's Gus' personality and sense of humor. He's a wicked smarts, and after the last rider got so much positive attention we were all very proud someone got it," Grohl tells Rolling Stone. "The first idea for this one was to make it look like a laminated waffle house menu, with suggested servings and sh*t like that. But that was a little too tricky, so we opted for the coloring book." more on this story