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Paul McCartney and Tony Bennett Tribute Phil Ramone

(Gibson) Tributes have been pouring in to one of the most successful record produces of all time, Phil Ramone, who died on March 30, at the age of 79.

The multiple Grammy-winning record producer Phil Ramone worked with some of the biggest names in pop and rock history, including Bono, Ray Charles, Natalie Cole, Bob Dylan, Aretha Franklin, Etta James, Quincy Jones, B.B. King, Frank Sinatra, Stevie Wonder, Madonna, Sting, Bruce Springsteen and James Taylor.

Gibson Guitar Chairman and CEO Henry Juszkiewicz said: "Phil was a great person and a good friend. He was an exceptional music man from his earliest years when he was a child prodigy. In an industry filled with intensity and ego, Phil stood out as a warm, compassionate, centered and unassuming human being. He loved people and loved the industry. While mostly gentlemanly and low key, you could see his passion and love of music, and his perfectionism in producing and creating it. We have lost a giant."

Paul McCartney said in a statement on his website: "Phil was a great friend of mine for many years. We first worked together when I recorded 'Another Day' in New York at A & R Studios. He was a very sweet man who combined this with expert knowledge of both engineering and production. I'll always remember him as a great friend that I knew, loved and admired over the many years that we worked and played together."

Tony Bennett used Facebook to say: "Phil Ramone was a lovely person and a very gifted musician and producer... it was a joy to have him work with me."

Gloria Estefan tweeted: "Sending prayers & good thoughts 2 the loved ones of our dear friend & colleague, the unequalled Phil Ramone. RIP friend, we will miss u always!"

Julian Lennon tweeted Twitter, saying he was "deeply saddened to hear the news of my dear friend & first-ever producer, Phil Ramone's passing."

Rob Thomas also used Twitter to say: "R.I.P. #PHILRAMONE we have lost one of music's greatest producers. a true pioneer and a great man." more on this story

Gibson.com is an official news provider for the antiMusic.com.
Copyright Gibson.com - Excerpted here with permission.

Phil Ramone CDs, DVDs and MP3s

Phil Ramone T-shirts and Posters

Phil Ramone CDs, vinyl and rarities

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