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Living Colour Celebrate Vivid's 25th Anniversary

(Radio.com) "All of these songs were written in this city, about this city!" Vernon Reid was talking to the audience at a special New York City show celebrating the 25th anniversary of Living Colour's debut album, Vivid, held April 6th at Irving Plaza.

NYC is, of course, a great melting pot, and Vivid reflected that: It's an album by a (sort of) heavy metal band made up of all African-American men, featuring a Talking Heads cover, cameos by Public Enemy's Chuck D and Flavor Flav and two tracks produced by Mick Jagger. When the album came out, they were still playing New York's punk rock mecca CBGB, and about a year later they were a hit on MTV and pop radio. It was a Top 10 album on Billboard 200 album chart, and earned them a GRAMMY.

The show started with a DJ set very close to what an emcee would have been spinning in the late '80s (De La Soul, Dee-Lite, old-school funk and R&B) while Liquid Television-like visuals were projected onto a screen. Close to 9 p.m., the band took the stage with a cover of Robert Johnson's "Preachin' Blues," which they first played last year at a tribute to the iconic bluesman.

From there, they launched into Vivid, playing each song, in order. The lead track, "Cult Of Personality," has lost none of its power over the years, and neither has singer Corey Glover, who jumped into the audience to lead a group chorus on the band's most well-known track.

The audience knew every word — as well as, seemingly every riff and every drum beat — to every song. The band mainly stuck to the album's arrangements, bringing a bit more of a gospel feel to "Open Letter To A Landlord" and a blues intro to their version of Talking Heads' "Memories Can't Wait." Before "Broken Hearts," bassist Doug Wimbush took a moment to dedicate it to "my good friend and brother Muzz Skillings," the man he replaced in the group in 1992 (Skillings was in the audience). more on this story

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Copyright Radio.com/CBS Local - Excerpted here with permission.

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