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Singled Out: The Paul Pierce Project' Outta Here

Today Paul Pierce from The Paul Pierce Project tells us about the song "Outta Here" from their new album "Pierce My Heart," which has drawn comparisons to Steely Dan and Boz Scaggs. Here is the story:

The first single, "Outta Here" from Pierce My Heart by The Paul Pierce Project is a simple concept about a guy who wanders into his favorite bar, begins drinking and eventually can't find his way "Outta Here." He knows he shouldn't stay, but when you are surrounded by people you know, sometimes it is easier to simply remain in your comfort zone rather than make a life change. In this case he chooses to run from the challenges of life by partying and hiding from difficulties instead of facing them head-on.

The guy in this song just digs deeper and deeper into his vices, while all the time claiming the problem is he can't find his way out of a bar – a metaphor for the thought that life's problems can best be tackled by hiding behind drugs, alcohol, or (fill in the blank with your own particular vice).

As a songwriter who began as a singing drummer, one of my favorite ways to write music is to begin with a groove, a repetitive guitar or piano line accompanied by bass and usually a drum machine pattern, and then, oddly, I just start humming along with it over and over. Within a few minutes I start mouthing nonsensical syllables using the melody I've been humming and actually listen to the syllables I'm saying or singing and begin to hear words developing. What I'm listening for is a lyrical phrase to emerge. And more times than not, it does! I repeat this process over and over until a dominant verbal phrase has emerged. In this case the two words "Outta Here" came out of my mouth with no prior concept that this is what my new song would be centered around.

Shortly afterwards I started saying/singing the words "But I Can't Find My Way..." just before Outta Here, and at that point my HOOK was born! When the concept was complete, we took it into the studio and laid down all the tracks live.

Through the years I've written over 500 songs and have tried writing the music first, or the lyrics first, a drum groove first, a piano line first, a guitar line first, a bass line first, instrumentals with no lyrics, and poetry with no music. And with much experimentation I've learned that my favorite way to create a brand new song is to do it the way I've described above. It is probably not the best way for most people to write music, but I feel as though I'm letting the Spirit channel through me while my inner creativity searches for and finds the best way to say what's inside.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen for yourself and learn more about the album right here!

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