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Singled Out: Lisa Matassa's I Won't Ask

Today country music star Lisa Matassa tells us about her brand new single "I Won't Ask" which she released late last month. Here is the story:

The inspiration for the song "I Won't Ask" came from a night out in Nashville last summer. A group of us were hanging out at Robert's on Broadway and I noticed this young couple at the bar. At first they seemed really into each other and very much an item but it wasn't long before they started arguing and the girl walked away.

Throughout the night these two would go back and forth hugging one minute and walking away from each other a few moments later. I remember thinking to myself these two must be relatively new in their relationship because they kept playing this "cat and mouse" game.

We left Robert's around midnight to head back to our hotel and I never saw the couple again. Normally inspiration for a song comes from a melody for me, but at around 2:30 in the morning I woke up out of a sound sleep with lyrics popping into my head. And like every songwriter I know, I started writing down these lyrics. I had the verses, the chorus and the bridge all coming at me at once. I wrote them all down and went back to sleep.

The next morning I met up with my guitarist Colin Smith and asked him to look at the lyrics and see if he could come up with a melody. Shortly thereafter, he came up with the chorus melody and we played around with it until we got back to New York. We met up with Tony Bruno at his house/studio in Woodstock and showed him our idea and by the end of the day, the three of us had written and recorded "I Won't Ask".

We just finished filming the video for "I Won't Ask" in Austin, Texas and I can't wait to see the vision for the song come to fruition.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen for yourself and learn more about the album right here!

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