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Led Zeppelin 45th Anniversary To Be Commemorated

Led Zeppelin announced via their official website on Tuesday that the 45th anniversary of their very first concert will be commemorated next month at the location in Demark where the show took place.

The concert was originally scheduled to feature Jimmy Page's band The Yardbirds but the group had split up, so Page formed the band that would become Led Zeppelin with Robert Plant, John Paul Jones and John Bonham.

The new group were billed as "The New Yardbirds" when they played their first show together on September 7,1968 at the Gladsaxe Teen Club in Copenhagen, Demark.

On September 7, 2013 the 'Initiative Group for the selection of Led Zeppelin's world premiere in Gladsaxe' will be unveiling a special plaque at the Gladsaxe School, which stands at the current location where the original concert took place.

Led Zeppelin.com have posted an article with more the history of this anniversary and a few details about the special event that will be taking place in Demark. Read their report here.

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