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Christina Aguilera and Ed Sheeran Discuss The Voice and Possible Plans

(Extra) Only "Extra" on the set of "The Voice" with Christina Aguilera and Grammy-nominated singer/songwriter Ed Sheeran, who will join Aguilera as an advisor on Season 5 of the show's battle rounds. The two telling "Extra's" Renee Bargh about working together.

Ed "I didn't know what I was getting into, I didn't want to be too brutally honest…Everyone here has this kind of energy and vibe and talent that is like a driving force."

Christina added, "It's a positive team and everyone is dying when they see this guy too, I'm like, I'm secondary right now."

Ed admitting he is a huge fan of Christina's work saying, " 'Voice Within' is always a belter, I used to play it on the guitar…'Ain't No Other Man,'

Ed singing, " Do your thing honey!" Making Christina shriek, "A match made in heaven."

Christina saying she would love to work with Ed in the future, "I see a collaboration in the works hopefully…I would love to collaborate with this guy, he is super talented."

"The Voice" returns to NBC on Monday, Sept. 23rd. more on this story

Extra submitted this story.
Copyright Extra - Excerpted here with permission.

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