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How The Scream Lost Their Voice To Motley Crue

The latest episode of Talking Metal features an exclusive interview with Bruce Bouillet (Racer X/The Scream) and during the chat he talked about The Scream losing John Corabi to Motley Crue.

Corabi was hired by Motley Crue when Vince Neil left the group (or was fired depending who is telling the story) and the group put out one album with Corabi on lead vocals before the band reunited with Neil.

Bouillet had this to say about the moment he realized that Motley Crue wanted their lead singer, "We were at the point where we were doing pretty well. We had just gotten back from playing the Astoria Theater in London.

"The reception in London was really pretty amazing but in the same sentence, Alderete and myself were hearing the musical change coming. Juan was always interested in the new underground music coming up. I think The Scream would've transformed more into that heavier grungier sound because we were basically laying and sitting on the fence on it already.

"We were driving to what would have been one of our last shows, I'm driving with the bass player, Juan, and we hear on the radio that Vince Neil is out of Motley Crue and we are like 'wow that is pretty big news', you know.

"We get to the gig and there is this big commotion out in the audience and we are getting ready to go on, it is a pretty full club. We look out and it is Tommy Lee and Nikki Sixx. I remember Alderete and I looked at each other and said 'we think we know what is going on. ' We wished John all the luck. Those guys are icons and they did an amazing album (referring to the album that Motley Crue did with John Corabi.)" Check out the full interview here.

Motley Crue Tour Dates/Tickets

Motley Crue CDs, DVDs and MP3s

Motley Crue T-shirts and Posters

Motley Crue CDs, vinyl and rarities

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