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Singled Out: Eat the Gun's Loner

Today Hendrik Wippermann from Eat the Gun tells us about the song "Loner" from their brand new album "Stripped To The Bone," which is being released today by SPV in North America. Here is the story:

"I walk alone, wherever I go, I'm a loner" goes the chorus line of the song. It's a feeling that most people know, being lonely although you're obviously not.

The song is about following your dreams which has become quite a tough challenge these days. Without entangling in a philosophic approach or general complaint about "how hard life can be in a world that has gone so bad", the basic idea behind the song is about being aware of the things that happen around you. As musicians we (the band) know exactly what it takes to follow your dreams. It means that you have to do the best you can because it's so easy to fail in this business. You have to be on the watch all the time because there are loads of traps to walk into and people trying to tell you what to do for the wrong reasons.

On the other side a musicians' life is so different from the "ordinary" lives most people live. That's mainly what causes a feeling of living the life of a loner, who walks through life on his own which is not necessarily a state of great happiness. I think everyone who has the chance to do what they're good at for a living can be grateful, no matter if you're a musician, a nursery teacher or the owner of a whole-grain bakery.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen for yourself and learn more about the album right here!

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