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Mick Jagger Hints At Rolling Stones Playing Major Festival

(Gibson) The Rolling Stones are likely not finished with their run of live shows, says Mick Jagger. Speaking with New Musical Express, the Stones frontman said,

"Well, I'm just looking at what offers are coming in for this year and sorting them out. I hate announcing things when they're not booked. People are always like, 'Yakety yak, you didn't do that in the end', and I say, 'Well, yeah, we never really announced it!'"

Jagger declined to offer specifics, but when asked if the band might appear at this year's Glastonbury Festival in England, he didn't rule out the possibility. "There are other things in the world, you know, apart from Glastonbury," he said. "But then again, Glastonbury is very important. It seems to be very important to my children -- highlight of their year!"

Later Jagger returned to the topic of Glastonbury, and seemed to drop a broader hint. "Is it going to be rainy on the Sunday [of the festival]?" he asked. "Isn't it nearly always rainy on the Sunday?" The Glastonbury Festival is held annually in Pilton, England. This year the event runs from Wednesday, June 26, through Sunday, June 30. more on this story

Gibson.com is an official news provider for the antiMusic.com.
Copyright Gibson.com - Excerpted here with permission.

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