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Eric Gales Talks About New Kings-X, Mars Volta Supergroup

(Classic Rock Revisited) Eric Gales first hit the scene as a teenage guitar prodigy. He could play Hendrix like Hendrix and he could play the blues like the masters. Despite his talent and promise, Gales would hit the self destruct button, which would lead to a cocaine addiction and land him in clink.

Pinnick Gales Pridgen release their debut, self-titled album on Magna Carta records today, February 12, 2013. The album features, alongside Gales, dUg Pinnick of Kings X and ex-Mars Volta drummer Thomas Pridgen playing hard rocking blues mixed with Pinnick's unique metal sorta progressive thing. The end result is an album that is non-stop balls to the wall guitar heroics from start to finish.

In the interview that follows, Gales admits being amazed at the music he is making with this band. He, also, openly discusses his cocaine addiction and what he has learned from his time in jail. Read on to discover more about Pinnick Gales Pridgen and to take learn more about the new and improved Eric Gales.

CRR: How did this band form? Eric: I have known dUg for a while. The first band I opened up for when I first came out was King's X. So, for me to be able to do this project with him is amazing. To be honest with you, this music takes my breath away. Thomas [Pridgen], I have known for six, or seven, years. He played on some of my solo albums. We got together and did this project and it was just wild. I didn't expect it to be as major as it is. It is like when you go to open up a Christmas present and you don't know what it is and it ends up being something amazing. That is really what this band is like.

CRR: Did [Record Executive] Mike Varney put you three together? Eric: Yeah, sort of. We were kind of talking and we were trying to put me with someone for a minute, but we didn't know who was going to be able to get with who. I'll put it like this; it just couldn't have been better than this group of people. I had sat in with dUg on stage a few times, but we had never written music together. I have been knowing dUg a long time, since I was sixteen.

CRR: Gales and Pinnick is a very interesting combination. Eric: It is, definitely. It has both of our styles, but it is its own entity.

Read the full interview here.

Classic Rock Revisited submitted this story.
Copyright Classic Rock Revisited - Excerpted here with permission.

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