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Jason Newsted Plans Spring Album Release

Jason Newsted spoke with Classic Rock Revisited about the release of his new EP and we discover that Jason might be releasing a full album within a few month.

CRR: I have been enjoying these four songs that you've released. My only complaint is there are only four songs! I want an entire album.

Jason: It worked perfectly; that's exactly how it was supposed to work. We recorded eleven songs in our first session, so what you're hearing are the first four of those. I plan on recording around fifteen songs, total. Our target is to have the full album out by the middle of May. The other seven are in the can and the other new ones I really want to share, so I want to get them out there.

CRR: Are there any feelings, even with a half grin to Metallica that you can do this on your own without them? Is there any middle finger to them?

Jason: There is nothing vindictive or anything like that. There really isn't any negativity at all between us anymore. Its all water under the bridge and it has been 12 years now. That kind of sour and silly stuff was quite a while ago. It was mostly reactionary, I think. Now, it's really strong and pretty awesome. They've got their band kicking butt like always and I've got my new band and I feel like I'm 19 again—I really do feel that way.

We got this fricking EP, only four songs, to number one on iTunes for two weeks out of my garage with me and three other dudes. We are competing with big companies and bands that have full albums out; that's pretty cool. That's saying something. My answer to your question is to let the music do the talking. There are no digs to anyone and there is nothing negative. Let's just f**king rock. Read the full interview here.

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